About Us
Total beneficiaries - 85.
Students at School for Special Children - 40 (6 years upto 18 years),
Workshop - 45 (above 18 years).

Aastha means faith. We as NGO Aastha have faith in differently able kids, their strengths and abilities. With this conviction Aastha was formed in the year 2000 with the following vision :
• To create awareness in society about Intellectual disablity.
• To build world class care center for Intellectually disabled children.
• To train and equip them by providing vocational skills in order to have financial independence.
Considering needs we have expert team working for these children whose parenting itself is a challenge. considering parents socio-economical background it is difficult for the parents of these kids to take care and also economically not viable.
Aastha, based at Village Ambap Dist. Kolhapur near Pune Kolhapur National Highway. This charitable institute has RCI Delhi affiliation. It is full time residential School having students from age 6 yrs to 18 yrs both girls and boys. To cater overall needs of these students, we have experts like Neurologists, psychologists, Speech Therapists, Nurses and trained teachers.
Aastha’s work focuses on building an inclusive eco system in Society within which persons with disabilities are equally contributing members. Our work creates increasing opportunities for interaction among the disabled and normal people which has resulted us into successfully placing two specially able kids in main stream professional industry as full time employees in Sangali district.
Apart from placing two young kids Aastha as initiated one of its kind first small savings group of five students to make them understand importance of savings. Second project is currently taking shape is Goshala in school premises where out of five three students are successfully handling the project independently.
Now in and around Kolhapur district the work of our NGO is also being recognized as it was awarded in the year 2020 with Bapurao Smriti Seva Purskar by Lokmanya Tilak Smarak Mandir, Sangli.
This approach and dedicated efforts of our team enhanced opportunities for both the groups to know each other better. This blurs the boundaries between the two groups such that engagement between them is rooted in joy, satisfaction and growth.