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Projects Undertaken by Aastha

They are slow, for sure. But they are not at all disabled. We can help them by exploring their abilities… and by ignoring their disabilities. Below is a list of projects we have undertaken to help them stand; to make them self reliant.
H) Not only intellectual disability we also have edge in Environment concern issues and tries to give awareness as well as sensitize the community by means of role model as we have rain water harvesting, Solar water system, composting of green waste. We had doneworkshop in association with Another international NGO CORO regarding Environmental Awareness.

I) As revolutionary project has been started by our Team one of its kind called first ever Small saving Group in India. It run by Intellectually disable kids. Main object is to make them financially independent and cultivating saving habits in them.

J) Aastha and Sanwad join hands to start unique training centre in West Maharashtra in the field of rehabilitation of Divyang Jana. As per experience we have found that skilled and quality, self motivated staff is required in the field of rehabilitation.To cater this need Training centre is proposed.

K) Payaswani Goshala project is started in Jan 2020 before starting this project we had done pilot training for our kids in other Goshala . The vendors were happy with our Kids so we decided to take our own Goshala and now we have 2 cows . Since lockdown has happened it is still in minor stage but we wish to expand it future.

L) Some need based skill development isessentials as India is core agriculture country so man power in that area can be sufficed by developing these kids for agriculture sector.

M) Core thing behind all these projects is to provide independent honoured living, and proper channelization of energy and skills of intellectually disabled kids.

N) We keep on conducting early detection camps in nearby areas.
A) MSME in Partner with Aastha – We have conducted training programme for Mobile repair workshop. It was short term course to enable them for independent earning.

B) Genetic Counselling centre was established – This is in consultation with Dr. Dave. This happens once a month and proper guidance is given to the aspirant parents who are planning their second child and if they have differently able kid.

C) We had done pilot study regarding establishing a Girls Hostel for special need girls. That project was success currently we trying to give shelter and rehabilitation to those differently able girls who are alone. We wish to expand this further.

D) Vocational training centre has been established for children above 18 yrs of age. Where skill development is being initiated as per their aptitude and skills. Successfully rehabilitation has been done in the industry, schools, and service industry.

E) Autism awareness programme is conducted in association with Sangat Goa. To create awareness, early detection and therapies are planned and given to them accordingly.

F) In 2015 we initiated in Maharashtra awareness movement about separate certification required for Autism in Govt policy.Which got success as now govt has started certifying schools differently from other schools under disabled Act.

G) We mentored Special teachers and parents to start school in nearby states and districts. Currently Nipani School is being mentored by Aastha.
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